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Leslie Speaker Parts : Half Moon

Number of Items found: 14

Half Moon Switch - Chorale/Tremolo - 122 Style
New half moon chorale / tremolo switch assembly wired for the Leslie 122 family speaker cabinets. Includes knob and mounting hardware.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
CTS-122Half Moon Switch - Chorale/Tremolo - 122 StyleStocked1.0$124.00$105.00

Half Moon Switch - Chorale/Tremolo - 147 Style
New half moon chorale / tremolo switch assembly wired for the Leslie 147 family speaker cabinets. Also for the 251 family and 25, 110, 120 and 125 speaker cabinets.Includes knob and mounting hardware.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
CTS-147Half Moon Switch - Chorale/Tremolo - 147 StyleStocked1.0$124.00$105.00

Half Moon Switch - Chorale/Off/Tremolo
New half moon Chorale/Off/Tremolo switch - three position. Includes knob and mounting hardware. Works with all solid state Leslie cabinets as well as tube Leslie cabinets that have been converted to 3 speed switching with the EIS solid state relay system.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
COTHalf Moon Switch - Chorale/Off/TremoloStocked1.0$124.00$105.00

Half Moon Switch - Main/Ensemble/Echo
New half moon main/ensemble/echo switch - three position. Works with 122 style 4H kits and 147 style 26 kits. May work with others as well. Will not work with Leslie 251 style 8253 kits. Includes knob and mounting hardware.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
MEEHalf Moon Switch - Main/Ensemble/EchoStocked1.0$124.00$105.00

Half Moon Switch Case - Chorale/Tremolo
New half moon chorale/tremolo switch case only. Includes mounting screws. Knob and internal hardware should be salvaged from original unit or are available separately. Useful when your old case shatters going through the doorway.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
CTCASEHalf Moon Switch Case - Chorale/TremoloStocked1.0$74.00$74.00

Half Moon Switch Case - Chorale/Off/Tremolo
New half moon chorale/off/tremolo switch case only. Includes mounting screws. Knob and internal hardware should be salvaged from original unit or are available separately. Useful when your old case shatters going through the doorway.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
COTCASEHalf Moon Switch Case - Chorale/Off/TremoloStocked1.0$74.00$74.00

Half Moon Switch Case - Main/Ensemble/Echo
New half moon main/ensemble/echo case only. Includes mounting screws. Knob and internal hardware should be salvaged from original unit or are available separately. Useful when your old case shatters going through the doorway.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
MEECASEHalf Moon Switch Case - Main/Ensemble/EchoStocked1.0$74.00$74.00

Leslie Switch - Two Position
New two position switch can be wired for separate or simultaneous Leslie 122 and 147 operation. DPDT switch contacts are rated at .5 Amp/115 VAC or .25 Amp/230VAC.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
SW2PLeslie Switch - Two PositionStocked0.1$40.00$40.00

Leslie Switch - Three Position
New three position switch can be wired for separate or simultaneous Leslie 122/147 and 9/11 pin model operation. Switch contacts are rated at .5 Amp/115 VAC or .25 Amp/230VAC.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
SW3PLeslie Switch - Three PositionStocked0.1$40.00$40.00

Brown Half Moon Switch Knob
Reproduction brown console switch knob. Avoid injury to your fingers and palm with one of these in place.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
BR-KNBBrown Half Moon Switch KnobStocked0.1$8.25$8.25

Black Half Moon Switch Knob
NOS black console switch knob. Avoid injury to your fingers and palm with one of these in place. Very limited quantity available.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
BLK-KNBBlack Half Moon Switch KnobStocked0.1$11.00$11.00

Half Moon Switch - Chorale/Tremolo - Combo
New half moon chorale / tremolo switch assembly wired for both Leslie 122 and 147/251 family speaker cabinets. Switch shown in straight up position to provide a good look at the lettering. Includes knob and mounting hardware.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
CTS-COMBOHalf Moon Switch - Chorale/Tremolo - ComboStocked1.0$124.00$105.00

Half Moon Bottom Plate
New half moon switch case bottom cover in standard dark brown color. Includes mounting screws.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
HMBOTHalf Moon Bottom PlateStocked0.1$12.00$12.00

Half Moon Switch Support Legs - Pair
L bracket switch supports for all half moon enclosures. Used to secure the switch inside the case assembly. Only needed if they weren`t picked up when the case broke going through the door.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
HMLEGSHalf Moon Switch Support Legs - PairStocked0.2$12.00$8.00

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