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Leslie Speaker Parts : Motor Parts

Number of Items found: 12

Replacement Upper Slow Motor
Replacement 120 VAC 60 Hz motor for vintage dual speed Leslie Speaker cabinets. Attaches to original mounting plate with no modifications. For upper motor stack use only. Please note: the AC leads for this motor are 6 inches long. Not designed to run at 50 Hz.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
USL-MTRReplacement Upper Slow MotorStocked2.0$90.00$85.00

Replacement Lower Slow Motor
Replacement 120 VAC 60 Hz motor for vintage dual speed Leslie Speaker cabinets. Attaches to original mounting plate with no modifications. For lower motor stack use only. Please note: the AC leads for this motor are 6 inches long. Not designed to run at 50 Hz.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
LSL-MTRReplacement Lower Slow MotorStocked2.0$90.00$85.00

Leslie Motor O Rings - Pair
These are reproductions of the rubber O rings used on the fast motors found in numerous dual speed Leslie models (122, 147, 251, 330, 760, 825, 900, and many more). Original Leslie part number 014159.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
RINGLeslie Motor O Rings - PairStocked0.1$8.00$4.00

Leslie Motor O Rings for Decorator Cabinet - Pair
These are reproductions of the rubber O rings used on the fast motors found in Leslie models 222, 247, 351 and others cabinets that used the sidecar arrangement for the treble horn motors.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
RINGWFLeslie Motor O Rings for Decorator Cabinet - PairStocked0.3$9.00$5.00

Leslie Lower Motor Spring Kit
New spring kits for Leslie lower stack slow motors. The spring insures the slow motor shaft moves away from the fast motor O ring. Failure to do so causes the fast motor to lock or fail to reach the correct tremolo speed.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
LSKLeslie Lower Motor Spring KitStocked0.1$3.75$3.75

Leslie Lower Motor Spring Kit - Long Spring
New spring kits for Leslie lower stack slow motors. The spring insures the slow motor shaft moves away from the fast motor O ring. Failure to do so causes the fast motor to lock or fail to reach the correct tremolo speed. Longer spring used in some late 1960s and early 1970s motors.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
LSK-LONGLeslie Lower Motor Spring Kit - Long SpringStocked0.1$4.50$4.50

Leslie Upper Motor Spring Kit
New spring kits for Leslie upper stack slow motors. The spring cushions the slow motor armature`s descent so it doesn` crash into the bearing housing and make a click noise.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
USKLeslie Upper Motor Spring KitStocked0.1$3.50$3.50

Leslie Fast Motor Washer Kit
New washer and shim kit for Leslie fast motors. Each kit includes enough parts to maintain two motors. New "c" clips included as well.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
FWKLeslie Fast Motor Washer KitStocked0.1$16.00$16.00

Leslie Bearing and Motor Mount Grommets - Pair
New isolation grommets for motor and bearing mounts. There are 12 of these in a standard 122/147/251/760 configuration. Replaces non-pliable, cracked units that no longer prevent motor and bearing noise from resonating in the wooden cabinet. Equivalent to Leslie part number 050641. Sold in pairs.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
GRM-MNTLeslie Bearing and Motor Mount Grommets - PairStocked0.1$2.25$2.25

Leslie Motor Brown Power Cord
Non-polarized, two prong AC cords for connecting Leslie motors to the amplifier power sockets. 48" length. Order 10 or more and receive a 10% discount on this item.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
BR-PLUGLeslie Motor Brown Power CordStocked0.2$5.00$5.00

Leslie Motor White Power Cord
Non-polarized, two prong AC cord for connecting Leslie motors to the amplifier power sockets. 48" length. Order 10 or more and receive a 10% discount on this item.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
WH-PLUGLeslie Motor White Power CordStocked0.2$5.00$5.00

Leslie Slow Motor Mounting Grommet Set
New slow motor isolation grommets. There are three of these on a standard 122/147/251/760 mounting bracket. Replaces non-pliable, cracked units that no longer prevent motor and bearing noise from resonating in the wooden cabinet. Sold three in a set. Equivalent to Leslie part number 10-408/014084.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
GRM-SLMTRLeslie Slow Motor Mounting Grommet SetStocked0.1$1.50$1.50

Now viewing: 1 - 12 of 12 items

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