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Tone Generator Oil Pair - Buy Two and SAVE!
Medicine for your Hammond organ! Two four ounce apothecary bottles with dispensing droppers. The droppers allow precise metering of oil into hard to reach tone generator, motor, and vibrato scanner lubrication systems. The Hammond tone generator is made up of dozens of gears and bearings. This mechanism requires periodic lubrication to start quickly and run smoothly.
Generators that need oil will start slowly, and as time goes on the bearings will begin to squeal later the generator will become difficult to start, and eventually it will refuse to turn at all. Only use oil designed for Hammond organs in a Hammond tone generator. It is specifically refined to be free of particulate matter. Other oils like 3-in-1, sewing machine oil, Castrol, Criso, etc. will gum up the oiling wicks and prevent oil from reaching the generator. Repairing this condition is a major service event!
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
2TGOILTone Generator Oil Pair - Buy Two and SAVE!Stocked1.6$14.50$14.50

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