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TWG Generator Isolation Bushings (B-3, C-3, A-100 organs)
Hammond organ tone generators were designed to float on a set of springs above the generator shelf. This kept motor and gear noise from resonating through the wooden console case. The generator needs to be secured when the organ is moved to prevent it from swinging around. When it swings the generator studs strike the generator shelf below, turning it into sawdust. This makes ovals out of the previously round generator mounting holes, and tears wires off the generator terminal strip.
This isolation kit permanently secures the generator without transmitting noise to the cabinet. The radial support ribs on the mount are out of phase on each side to further aid vibration isolation.

Installation is performed most easily by raising the manuals, removing the generator springs and lifting the generator to slide a bushing onto each stud. The bushing end rests in the mounting hole, while a second bushing is inserted on the underside of the generator shelf and held in place with the washers provided and the existing bolt. Bolts are also available (see part number GENSCRW).
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
ISOMOUNTTWG Generator Isolation Bushings (B-3, C-3, A-100 organs)Stocked0.2$25.00$25.00

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