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Manual Upstop Felt
An essential part of any Hammond console restoration is replacing the manual felts it helps restore the "new feel" and quiet operation to the keyboard. One required per manual. Easily installed on late A-100, B-3, C-3, D-100, and RT-3 organs. (These organs are identified by front strips that are secured with Phillips head screws).
Also usable on earlier Hammond consoles (those without Phillips head screws), but the front strip removal on these organs requires substantial keyboard disassembly. Also applicable to M-series spinet organs but the felts will require cutting to fit the key bed. Not at all applicable to diving board key Hammond models.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
USFManual Upstop FeltStocked0.2$10.00$10.00

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